Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gingerbread house with Grandma

Granda Brenda and Papa Bob came to visit for Christmas. The kids waited anxiously for Grandma to get there so they could build the gingerbread house with her. I bought one of those kits so all you have to do is assemble and decorate it. As Grandma laced the roof with icing, Morgan was eating the candies that were supposed to go on top. :)

Our tradition is that the kids get to smash the gingerbread house on New Years Day and then they can eat some if they want. Matt took video of the smashing, so we'll link to that later.

1 comment:

Leigh Ann said...

What a great thing to have grandma and grandpa come visit and spend time with the kiddos. :) Can't wait to see the sash video.