Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cristy's new tattoo

(outline all done)

(all wrapped up)

(the next day)

I have been waiting to get this tattoo for a while now. I was waiting
to find a tattoo artist here in Austin that someone was willing to
recommend based on them actually getting work done by said artist, but
I was not very successful. Most people have had work done but wouldn't
necessarily recommend the artist, or had only heard of someone. And
the person I had my last tattoo here in Austin isn't here anymore. So
I had to just go out on a limb. I went to Atomic Tattoo on 183. Ronny
did my work this time and I think he did a great job. I wanted a pink
ribbon fleur-de-lis. I had seen this artwork on a plaque on a breast
cancer support website. I like the fleur-de-lis and the pink ribbon
symbolizes breast cancer. Breast cancer has hit my family a couple of
times now and this is just a constant reminder to me of the people
that have been affected by this disease.

So what do you think?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really love it! :)