Thursday, August 11, 2011

My latest projects

I took another sewing class at Joann's. This time it was for a "hipster bag". There wasn't a pattern so much as a set of instructions that we followed. I was working with a different kind of fabric than I have in the past. I've mostly worked with basic cotton blends, and this time I worked with a thicker home decor fabric. (It's probably still cotton, but it's a lot thicker than what you'd make a dress out of.)

After I got home from making the first bag, I made 3 more using the rest of my fabric.

Then Mason wanted one too. So back to Joann's we went in search of a more masculine fabric. Here's what he picked out. (I like that my kids want me to make them things. Let's hope that when I get to making actual clothing items that they'll want to wear my creations.)

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