Thursday, October 27, 2011


I almost killed her. Does she not know how bad I wanted these RED chairs? Does she know how long I waited for them?

Obviously not.

Megan got crayons at her Halloween party today at preschool. Morgan got a hold of them.
*I was making dinner during all of her coloring.

Matt saved the day, or the child, though. We had some Woolite Oxy Deep up in the cabinet. This stuff is AMAZING! Spray it on, rub with the scrubby side of a sponge, wipe clean with a damp cloth. It worked so well we tried it on all the other places Morgan has managed to color on: the walls, the tables, the stone fireplace. The Woolite took it all off. No more crayon in places it shouldn't be.

I am so impressed by this product I had to write in to the company and thank them. Now I won't have to buy some ugly slip cover for my awesome red chairs.

Thank you Woolite Oxy Deep!

**No, I was not paid to endorse this product. I have actually never used it before, just happened to have it in the cabinet.

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