Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A little bit of nothin'

So as part of my little bit of "me" time, I follow the blogs of a few of my friends. I enjoy reading about everyone and their families and what they are doing. But then I thought, how the heck do these people have the time to blog so often? I can barely blog once a month. But that thought is two-fold. Not only do I not have the time, but I do not think that there is much to blog about. Life in the McMillan household is pretty much basic right now. Mason and Maggie both go to preschool, however on opposite days. (It forces ME to actually get up and get going every day, not just school days. Plus it has help to give everyone, babies included, some sort of schedule.)

Speaking of the babies, Megan and Morgan are doing good. Megan is rolling ALL OVER THE PLACE. Megan was rolling over to the shoe bin and chewing on Mason's new rubber boots. I'm sure they make a good chew toy, but they're shoes. So I recently bought a Superyard and set it up in the living room. Our house is looking more and more like a daycare center.

Morgan's heart murmur is back. )I guess I haven't old you that yet.) Anyway, at out visit to the doctor back in December (6 month check up) the pediatrician heard it again. She asked us to follow-up with the cardiologist sooner than our 9 month follow up with him. Since it was right in the midst of the holidays and our insurance was to change the first of the year, we opted to wait until after the first of the year. When I had to take the girls to the new pedi in January for the 2nd flu shot, the new pedi also heard the murmur and also suggested we follow up with the cardiologist. So, I made sure the heart doc is covered with the new insurance we we are scheduled to go Feb 10th. The pedi's are not concerned that the hole is getting bigger necessarily, just concerned that at 3 months, the murmur couldn't be heard and then at 6 months is could be heard again. What does this mean to me? I'm not really sure. I just know that I have to get Morgan the more thorough tests done in February. (We'll be making that trip without the other kiddos.) Until then, we are to make sure she doesn't seem to get tired doing normal things like eating or playing. So far so good.

The girls are growing like weeds though. Megan is wearing size 12 months already! And Morgan is getting into the 9 month stuff. The good thing for me is I am getting double to use out of the clothes. Megan wears the stuff for a couple of weeks, then Morgan can wear it. And the few outfits that I have identical pairs of, I've been buying in 2 sizes so Morgan gets to wear those for a real long time.

So one of my friends, Vanessa, posts picture up on her blog every Friday. She calls is Favorite Photo Friday. Cute huh? Well, I'm not going to post every Friday, but I will try to put up more pictures of the girls. I did get an iPhone for Christmas and it is super easy to take pictures and then email them off. So I should be able to post pictures to the blog real fast. We'll see...

I'll wrap this up for now, it has taken me 3 days to write this in all my spare time.

Until next time...C-ya

1 comment:

Leigh Ann said...

Here's how I find the time:

1) Ignore the dishes
2) Ignore the mess on my dining room table/desk
3) Ignore the dust
4) As a last resort for a blog that absolutely MUST get done, ignore the babies.

Just kidding!