Friday, January 16, 2009

mmmmmmm.......Carl's Jr.

So I went to Carl's Jr. today for lunch with a friend of mine. Yes, it is finally open. It was SO GOOD! Man, I love me the Famous Star. Me and my 4 kiddos and Vanessa and her twins took up 2 tables and use the only 2 high chairs they had. We also were quite the spectacle amongst the employees. Sheena, the lady that brought us our food and cleaned up our table was super nice. She kept coming by and checking on us. Said her grandchildren were in another state and missed them so much after seeing all of our babies. I also got to chat a little with the manager, Mark; such a nice man. He explained to me why they were unable to open back in November. (Delays in getting products and then the holidays.) He is looking forward to June when his family will be moving here from So Cal.

The place was super busy the entire time we were there - about 2 hours. The line moved real fast though and the service was great. By the time we were leaving, the police had shown up to direct traffic. They were making sure the drive-thru lines kept moving, helping people get out of parking spots, and just keeping the peace. Apparently I wasn't the only one anxiously waiting for Carl's to open. Tomorrow, we're going again, with Matt and the Villagomez family. I'm sure it'll be busy, and I'm not so sure we'll even be able to get tables together or even close. But that's okay. At least we'll get a good burger out of it.

Now if we could somehow convince someone in Texas to open a Del Taco we'd be set. Anyone want to try and ship me a combo burrito and some chili-cheese fries?


Vanessa said...

It was great to see you guy today! Have fun tomorrow! Now I'll always know where to find you :)

TheKennedys said...

I love Del Taco. We had a Del Taco when I was growing up in Pearland (outside of Houston) It closed down and I had no idea they were still open. Combo burritos were my favorite. We will have to go try Carl's soon!

Christy said...

Aaahhh.. I'm not sure if I could live without a Carl's nearby. Congrats!!! Makes me want to go get some food right now. Our closest one is about 1/2 block away. : )