Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Megan!

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to Megan,
Happy Birthday to you!

June 11th was my baby's birthday. She is getting so big! I cannot believe the year has gone by so fast. Matt and I have truly been in survival mode raising these twins that there hasn't been a lot of time to sit back and enjoy them. We've tried to take pictures here and there and then we go back and remember the moments. It's been hard. I know it probably will always be hard. But things are changing.

Megan is now walking! YEAH baby girl! She took her first steps on June 2nd while on vacation, and she has been walking all over the place ever since. We just went to the pediatrician for her 1 year well baby check and Megan is now 31" long which puts her in the 90-95th percentile. (BTW, when do we change from length to height? Inches long vs inches tall?) and Megan weighs 23 pounds, 9 oz., putting her in the 75-90th percentile. She is now old enough and heavy enough to switch her car seat forward facing, but I think Matt and I decided to keep her rear facing until we can move both babies forward.

Megan has 6 teeth now, 2 on the bottom and 4 on top. She is saying a few words: Mama, Dada. And she definitely has something to say. She is "talking" a lot, but in her own language, better known in our family as Meganese. (It used to be called Magganese when Maggie was this age.)

There are qualities I see in Megan that are just like her brother; the fact that she doesn't like to, or seem to need to, sleep a lot. But more and more things I see in Megan are just like Maggie. Both girls are very independent, they look very much alike and I think Megan's personality is turning out to be very similar to her bigger sister's, which is going to take all my patience.

My Megan is 1. Happy Birthday Baby!

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