Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Morgan!

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to Morgan,
Happy Birthday to you!

June 11th was my other baby's birthday. She, too, is getting so big! It seems like just yesterday my water was breaking and Matt and I were rushing to the hospital. Morgan had a short stay in the NICU, which was very different for me. I hadn't had that experience before and it was shocking and emotional. Raising twins has probably been the hardest thing I've done so far in my life. There haven't been a lot of relaxing moments, but plenty of enjoyable ones. Taking pictures is always difficult, but we've tried to take some here and there. It's been hard. I know it will probably always be hard. But things are changing.

Morgan is now crawling! (Army-crawling, but still moving.) She started moving forward about mid-May and her therapist is extremely please with her progress. Morgan can sit too, once we put her in the sitting position. I also noticed this last weekend that Morgan can scoot backwards in a sitting position. She scooted backwards to reach the activity table. Very good problem solving skills.

We went to the pediatrician for her 1 year well baby check and Morgan is now 30 1/4" long which puts her in the 75-90th percentile and she weighs 19 pounds, 3.5 oz., putting her in the 10-25th percentile. She is growing great and has kept her same growth curve since birth so the % gap between height and weight is fine for her. (Mason was and still is the same way.) Morgan doesn't weigh enough to switch her to forward facing in her car seat so Matt and I have decided to hold both babies rear facing until we can switch them both at the same time.

Morgan has 4 teeth, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom. She also says Mama and Dada, but does not converse the way Megan does. I do however think that Morgan is the happiest baby on this planet though. She ALWAYS has a smile on her face and rarely makes a fuss. Megan has some serious separation anxiety that Morgan does not have. Morgan will go to anyone and still smiles about it.

Morgan is definitely an individual. I'm not sure yet what qualities Morgan has that the other children have, but I'm sure during this next year we'll find out.

My Morgan is 1. Happy Birthday Baby!

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