Sunday, August 1, 2010

The McMillan Clan meet St. Francis

Some good friends of ours, Kiai and Laura, just received a very special shipment they had been waiting for. A statue of St. Francis that had been living in Kiai's mom's front yard. Kiai's mom was moving and said the statue needed to stay in the family. (The statue has a very interesting and funny story behind how it came to the family and whenever Kiai gets around to sharing that story publicly, I'll link to it, but for now you'll just have to use your imagination.) Anyway, St. Francis is pretty big and heavy so we had to go visit him.

I think Matt was the most excited of all to see St. Francis.

Maggie was a little hesitant to have her picture taken. She wasn't sure whether or not the statue was alive.

Megan was blowing a whistle and didn't seem to care one way or another.

(Morgan wasn't interested at all, Mason wasn't having his picture taken and me, well, I was behind the camera.)

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